
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Do Bad Stuff Happen in Pairs? 

I hate being sick...esp being when its flu....i just hate it!! I've been with flu since Friday and its still not over...Argh!!!

And yeah to add on the bad mood, I went to cut my fringe and it turned out bad and its super short and now I don't have a choice but to pin everything up and expo my super big forehead with a huge pimple on it...I'm apologise if I have frightened anyone....sorry.....Now I have to wait till it grows a longer.....damn.....

Fucked up!

But no matter how fucked up u feel, when you gotta go out, you gotta go out...

I met my ITE buddies Avril and Tuminie after a very very very long time..after 3 years....very long rite. We just didn't have the time. But finally we managed to meet up yesterday. We met up at Orchard and ate, shopped, bitched about others and had a whole lot of laughs! We also took neoprints, ah...i miss taking neoprints!!

I miss spending time with my ladies!!! I should go out with them more often!


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