
Monday, October 03, 2005

Vasantham Star! Vasantham Star! 

Vasantham Star! Vasantham Star!!
I went to see Vasantham Star Finals live yesterday!!! I know I wouldn't have done that if I was in my right mind. I guess my brain was not working when I agreed to Minah asking me to accompany her!!! Shabir happens to be her cousin and so she wanted to show her support. My support was for Devarajan who is a friend.

I decided to put my brains at home and act like crazy and brainless VS-infactuated fans who scream their lungs out when they are stars are on stage!! Yeah, I was screaming my lungs when all 12 of them were singing, just to give support to them la. And thanks to Siti and Minah's super-smart idea of standing up when Shabir was selected for the top 3, we managed to get our faces on TV! How wonderful! Then started the SMS flow..."What u doin on TV?"..."Oei, u so excited for what? Love Shabir too much is it!"

And one of my friends told me that they even saw me dancing!!! Was I??? Man, this is so embarassing!! What to do? I left my brain at home for that evening!

Shabir won!!!! Well, I guess he deserved it! He does have plenty of star quality!! And since he was Minah's cousin, we managed to get into the basement area where the stars were after the show.

Then we started.....snapping pics with those we wanted to, thanks my digi-cam. I guess those peps must have felt like super stars...hehehe....Shabir was really friendly. Humble guy, didn't even have any kind of arrogrance in him! Cute boy!!

With my Star....hehehe.....He's cute isn't he....Deva acutally hugged me when I went to congratulate him....hmm....Kumar should have been there, my face would have been in the 'Obituary Section' today...hehehe......

We even took a pic with the VS Villian when we caught him at the Reception while we were leaving....hehehe.......Pugalenthi!!! U rock man! Hehe...And I saw Sumi there! Girl, u look great!!

But I should say, I did have fun!! Been a long time since I made a fool out of myself. Last time I behaved like this, was at the Vikram Show 2 years back. That was hyper-maniacism!!!

Maybe I should attend more of these kind of shows and make myself famous.......hmmm

Shut Up, Kethrine!!! *Slaps ownself*



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