
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

One year already? 

Hi.....missed me?

I'm sure you did.....u didn't......really?......Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe.....just being a bit goofy la....hehehe.......I've been gone for a week......no, I wasn't on holiday even though I wished I was.......I was just busy with work and I had practically nothing interesting that happened to really blog about.

Well, I've been clearing most of the back-end stuff for my Primary One Registration. Another one week more and it'll be over and then I'll be starting to clear my off. Isn't that cool or what! I think I have about 10 days of offs to clear.....hahahaha.....

Yeah, wanna know my weight now? 42kg.....I put on weight!!!! Yes.....I guess glopping down all that junk and drinking full cream milk everyday really worked. But I still look a bit boney though.....still need to stuff myself more.

U know what, its already been a year since I joined Pupil Placement Section. Wow, tat's fast rite. Time really flies.

I better stop before I blabber on and on abt nothing but rubbish. Need to sleep too. My dum briyani from Blue Diamond is pushing me to the bed.

PS: "Happy Belated Birthday to Moon!" * "Happy Birthday to Sumi!" and I miss u all blogger babes!!!!

Let's organise an outing soon ok! Muack!


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