
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Stress Vomit 1: For your attention, please! 

Dear Members of The Public,

I would like to request that, when you visit any counter, anywhere, to get your stuff done, please do not get agitated or irritated or annoyed with the staff serving you when they ask you questions.

Do you think we have nothing else better to do than sit there and irritate you with questions? We are only asking you questions related to your purpose of visit, right. Do I ask u, "What's your bra size?" or "Are you suffering from constipation coz your face looks so cramped?"? No right....Then don't get irritated...

Do remember that just because I'm serving you, that doesn't make me your servant or your slave or am I, in anyway, lesser than you as a human being. So show me some respect.

Please don't think that you know my job better than me. If you did, then you would be sitting at my postion, not me. I know what I am doing and I know my job better than you.

Don't ask me why I am making things difficult for you. I'm not S R Nathan and therefore I do have some constraints. I only have limited authority and I'm already doing what's in my power to help you. I don't set the rules.

When you are not eligible and are unable to accomplish what you can down for, don't jump at me. You are rejected because you do not meet the requirements, not because I don't like your face. If you are unable to produce documentary evidence to proof your eligiblity, don't blame me. I'm not to blame if you lost your documents and again, I don't set the rules. Someone else with higher authority did so. So don't screw me!

Never assume that you can get things done by speaking louder, harsher and making a scene or by saying that you know someone big. Its not gonna help in anyway, if you are not eligible. You are not eligible and that's it.

Not enough sleep. no proper dinner, extreme brain damage by thinking too much, BP rising every minute.....I need to clone myself!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did I mention that me colleague, Adrian lost 5 kg during his JAE exercise? I wonder how much I'm gonna lose in these 2 months......Aaaarrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

(Hey, Pan Ling Ling came to MOE today to make the Statutory Declaration. Wa, not bad leh she....very pretty and friendly)


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