
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Little Red Loving Ket 

I have been getting screwed every morning for the past 3 days. On Monday, it was a assholic lawyer who thinks that the rules and policies for the P1 SD is stupid and a waste of time. On Tuesday, it was another assholic father who said that I'm wasting govt money when I was talking to one of my colleagues behind the counter. And today it was an idiot who thinks that civil servants are stupid and wasting taxpayers' money.

Anybody who screws me tomorrow morning is gonna get it from me...

Today I left work at 5.30 pm, on the dot, after a very long time!! So I went to Tekka to check out sarees. My cousin sister told me that there's sale now going on since its the 'Aadi' month.

Guess what I ended up with........3 sarees in different shades of red.....and I spent $120 altogether.....
I'm incorrigible! The next time I go Tekka, I should forget to bring money. But I like the sarees I bought today!!! I just love the colour RED....

Add them to my current collection....that's a lot.....


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