
Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Infamous Bloggers Meet!! 

I had so much fun on Saturday...I keep thinking about it!!!!

The 'Infamour Bloggers Meet' was a mega huge success!! 9 gals who were only know to each other thru their individuals blogs, mingled together as if they had known each other for many many years!!!! The chemistry among us was awesome!! Who would have believed that we could get along so well!!!

As usual, before we were meeting, I was like.......will we be able to talk to each other, can we get along, will the conversation be flowing..but every doubt was cleared!

Courtesy of Sumi! Thanks babe!

I really had a very good time! Eating, gossiping, bitching and of course checking out a super cute Jap looking Malay waiter at Swensen's...boy...he was cute. And some of them were saying that he was checking me out. Highly not but if it was true, then I can officially declare myself as attractive to cute Malay guys....wow....So from now on, if I ever feel like eating Swensen's, it will be at Swensen's Causeway Point....hahahahaha!!

As per Sumi's advice who has super self-photographic skills, I tried to take a pic with my chin up and see how terrible I look.....


This has to go on....we have to meet up more often!! Ok! :)

PS: I think I opened my trap too much...hehe....hope you gals didn't mind!

Blastin thru the speakas: Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani


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