
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Virgin Ambulance ride. 

I admitted Big Momma into the hospital on Sunday. Been travelling to NUH without enough sleep. Very tired....

Well, she has been sick for some time already. And there's been this pain in her left side of her ribs. And it got worse on Sunday that she couldn't even walk. She was feeling so dizzy. So I called the ambulance and they bought her to NUH.

This was my virgin ambulance ride. Riding the ambulance was shiok. The driver was going at 120/140 km/h. Shiok man!!! I think he was having a good time driving at that speed. I had a great time too, just that I has to grab onto the bar nearby to prevent myself from flying out of the window...hehehe!

Big Momma's blood tests results are not out yet so we do not know what's wrong with her. Need to go to the hospital later. I'm tired! Last year, Its was Spoilt Brat (Alvin) and now Big Momma...sick chickens!

"I need some sleep!!"

Anyway, Saturday's night shift was great. Didn't do much work. It was my first night shift where I didn't mop the store and there were a lot of cute guys(customers) to ogle at! One told me I look 19....oh my!!! Isn't that so sweet!!

Blasting thru the speakas: You make Me Wanna by Jadakiss ft Mariah Carey. (This song rocks,I love it!!)


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