Monday, December 06, 2004
Some Cute Smses...
From Aminah-1 2 know e diff btw stress, tension n panic? Stress wen wife's pregnant. Tension wen girlfriend's pregnant. Panic wen both r pregnant! Ha ha!
From Kumar-All Faithful Husbands are guaranteed to go straight to Heaven when they DIE...becoz during their lifetime, they have already gone through HELL....
From Shalini-Love and Cigarrettes are about the same. They both have a relationship with your lips and end up hurting your heart...
From 'I don't know who'-Meaning of WIFE & HUSBAND: Wonderful Item For Entertainment & Handsome, Useful, Smart But At Night Dangerous
From Aminah-Y does a gal carry her boyfren's photo in e wallet? B'cos whenever she faces trouble, she thinks....if i can handle THIS...i can handle anything!
From William-Women life is hard. Morning wash clothes.Noon hang clothes. Evening keep clothes. Night iron clothes. Midnite take off clothes. Middle of e night find clothes.
From Vicky-These r 3 rings in marriage. First the engagement ring, second the wedding ring and third the suffering....ha ha ha
From Vicky-Love is not measured by Hugging, Kissing & Sex. It is all abt Trusting, Respecting & Accepting a person with Open Legs, Closed Eyes, Wet Lips saying 'PUSH IT MORE'
From Angie-Wife:Suggest a password for our computer. Husband: Key in PENIS. Wife types PENIS & falls off chair laughing after computer replies: REJECTED! NOT LONG ENOUGH!
From Devi-Research shows men r fatter than women becos every night men get fresh milk & 2 big papayas while women only get 1 banana, 2 peanuts & one teaspoon of mayonaise.
From Aminah-GOD thought since he couldn't be everywhere, he made a MOTHER...Then the DEVIL thought since he also couldn't be everywhere, he made a MOTHER-IN-LAW!
Been doing nothing since morning! I'm bored! I just wish i had something to do!!! I hate doing nothing at the office!!!! I asked Mrs Ong if they need any help in the workroom and they said not for now!
Hopefully they don't ask me to help them later on. Must go home on the dot today, need to watch the 9pm Chinese drama-'Mighty In-Laws'. Yingying is getting married today....cannot miss!!!
I want some work to do!!!!!
Countdown to 2005: 25 days
From Kumar-All Faithful Husbands are guaranteed to go straight to Heaven when they DIE...becoz during their lifetime, they have already gone through HELL....
From Shalini-Love and Cigarrettes are about the same. They both have a relationship with your lips and end up hurting your heart...
From 'I don't know who'-Meaning of WIFE & HUSBAND: Wonderful Item For Entertainment & Handsome, Useful, Smart But At Night Dangerous
From Aminah-Y does a gal carry her boyfren's photo in e wallet? B'cos whenever she faces trouble, she thinks....if i can handle THIS...i can handle anything!
From William-Women life is hard. Morning wash clothes.Noon hang clothes. Evening keep clothes. Night iron clothes. Midnite take off clothes. Middle of e night find clothes.
From Vicky-These r 3 rings in marriage. First the engagement ring, second the wedding ring and third the suffering....ha ha ha
From Vicky-Love is not measured by Hugging, Kissing & Sex. It is all abt Trusting, Respecting & Accepting a person with Open Legs, Closed Eyes, Wet Lips saying 'PUSH IT MORE'
From Angie-Wife:Suggest a password for our computer. Husband: Key in PENIS. Wife types PENIS & falls off chair laughing after computer replies: REJECTED! NOT LONG ENOUGH!
From Devi-Research shows men r fatter than women becos every night men get fresh milk & 2 big papayas while women only get 1 banana, 2 peanuts & one teaspoon of mayonaise.
From Aminah-GOD thought since he couldn't be everywhere, he made a MOTHER...Then the DEVIL thought since he also couldn't be everywhere, he made a MOTHER-IN-LAW!
Been doing nothing since morning! I'm bored! I just wish i had something to do!!! I hate doing nothing at the office!!!! I asked Mrs Ong if they need any help in the workroom and they said not for now!
Hopefully they don't ask me to help them later on. Must go home on the dot today, need to watch the 9pm Chinese drama-'Mighty In-Laws'. Yingying is getting married today....cannot miss!!!
I want some work to do!!!!!
Countdown to 2005: 25 days