
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Sakuntala's Pepper Mutton....Power! 

My 4-day course had ended. So sad!!! I'm gonna miss my course mates. They were quite a noisy and friendly bunch. Oh well, all good things have to come to end and work beckons me tomorrow..... :(

Finished another COSEC(Core Skills for Effectiveness and Change) module, have another 3 more to finish. Must try to finish them by next year end....

Anyway i went to Tekka on Tuesday and I went to Sakuntala's for dinner. I missed their 'Pepper Mutton' too much. Had a chappati to go with it. I tell u, the taste was heavenly.....spicy and great! The last time i had was with Madhana in August. I also bought home for Daddy and Alvin. They also said its good. I finished up the leftover mutton the next day, never leave for anybody..hehehe....Simply love the taste...

Where's my Papa with dinner?!!! I'm so hungry.....

Countdown to 2005: 15 days


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