
Saturday, October 30, 2004

Spring Cleaning has started! 

Tiring Saturday...been cleaning the storeroom and the kitchen cabinets and there's more to come!!!

Today i had tuition. The kid's exams are on Monday and Tuesday and i'm stressed. I think i am more stressed than the kid. Guess me just a concerned teacher.

Came back and there started 'Spring Cleaning'....cannot escape from this...hell!

Kumar came over just now. For what..to buy liquor from my mum...as if he so nice, come to see me on a Saturday!Asshole! But he bought TimeOut chocolate for me-two somemore,my favourite-what a nice boyfriend!! Hehe!! Guess there's gonna be another pimple popping on my face soon. Just got one after eating 2 pieces of Toberlone. Shit!

Spent the evening playing 'The Sims' on my PC. Simply love that game!! I think i'm gonna get back to playing it.Miss it so much!!


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