
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bad Pimple breakdown!!! 

Its midweek-just 2 more days and it'll be the weekend.....good!

Nothing much today. Just another day with nothing to do! Boring!

I think i forgot to mention.My shopping trip at Kranji MRT This Fashion on Monday was horrible! I didn't find anything i liked. I guess i'll go another time somewhere else. Shit!

Kumar and i was supposed to meet today but then he has something on so i think i'll meet him tomorrow. I'll be going to his place. For dinner, maybe we could order Pizza....hmmm...or maybe i could ask him to make Maggi mee for me...hmmm...see how la. Hopefully that asshole doesn't ask me to buy dinner on my way.

Guess what i have 3 big pimples on my face!!!Very bad pimple breakout!!! Shit la!!!! And they are quite big! Shitty!!!!!! Must apply cream to make it go away! Stupid pimple! Could it be its too heaty?? I've been drinking coffee everyday since Monday!!! Shit!!!


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