
Friday, August 20, 2004

I'm shagged! 


Good morning!

I am really very tired. I have slogging at work since Tuesday. Monday was a bit relaxed. Then from Tuesday till yesterday it was like chaos. Too many things to do for the re-organisation. To top it off, there was also CSO Training. Been going home very late. So decided to take my half-day off today. I'm just too tired. Wanna relax-feeling stressed!

I have not yet moved my stuff to PPS (Pupil Placement Section-tat's where i'm gonna be.) Don't know where i'll be sitting. I think i'll call Serene tomorrow-she's my reporting officer.

Anyway there's still no replacement for me and i wonder how its gonna be. Aiyoh, so leche!

Watched the 'Singapore Idol' yesterday. From thousands to the final 30. I'm really impressed with Singaporeans-didn't know we had quite a lot who could sing.

I wonder how my new job is going to be like. Hopefully it should be good.

Ok, me gonna clear somethings before i leave, i'm tired!


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