
Thursday, June 17, 2004

Why my current job sucks  

Oh well, working here sucks!

Anyway i took MC yesterday coz i had to go for the interview at Civil Service College. It was for the position of Officer, Room Resources. Don't think so that i'll get the job as i blundered at the interview. Guess i was nervous. Still so nervous after attending so many interviews. But then i hope to get the job. Anyway they told me that if i am shortlisted, i'll be notified within 2 weeks. That would be end of the month. Guess i'll be waiting and waiting!

Today, Felicia called me to her workstation and had a talk with me asking me if i was really interested in working here. And do i see a future in here. She also told me to buck up and be more 'on' on the job. I just nodded for everything. Don't wish to tell her anything.

Why do i hate working:
1)The pay sucks! I'm being paid peanuts for the shit i do here.

2)I hate my current boss and its not easy disgesting the fact that i was being pushed from this manager to that manager. Didn't have a permanent reporting officer. And everytime i join a new manager, there are changes that drive me nuts not that i don't like changes but then its a bit irritating.

3)Elsie, my current boss is a bitch. She's the type who doesn't like to see people free. Must be always doing something. And Felicia, my current supervisor, is very bossy. Gets on my nerves.

4)I want my alternate Saturdays. Now i only get one Saturday off per month.

5)I can't take leave when i want it. Its like i have to beg to take my own leave.

6) My office phone line is tracked because we handle customers and so at times they listen to these conversations to assess us. I don't like that. I hate being tracked.

7)I am not appreciated for what i do.I slog but they do not appreciate that i'm doing it. Even if i work late,to them its part of the job.

I really hope to get another job. Or at least a transfer.


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