
Monday, March 01, 2004

My interview day!!! 

Today is Monday!! And it wasn't so blue for me coz i got to sleep a bit later since i was going for the interview.

I went for the interview. The interviewer informed that if i am selected i will be sponsored to go for a Diploma in Early-Childhood Education for 6 months and then i'll be bonded for 2 years. During the 6 months i'll be paid $500 every month. I don't mind!!! I hope i get the job. Hopefully!!

Then went to the office and just did my normal stuff and then also bought back some things from the office. I wanna start bringing some stuff back so that if i quit, then i won't have so many things to bring back.

Nothing much interesting happened today just that Parthi called me at 6.30 am just to disturb my sleep. Asshole!!! But i still slept till 8 am...hehehe!!! That guy very free, he boring like to disturb me and my friend. Naughty fellow!!

Goody Night!!!


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