
Monday, March 08, 2004

Bad News and Boring Monday! 

Its another Monday!

Bad News-i didn't get the job at Learning Vision. They said that they wanted Chinese teachers more. Shitty right! Now i have to start looking for jobs again. Shitty right!! Oh what the hell!!!

What else can i say about Monday, it was boring as usual.

Feel a bit sick and goggy.I think i'm gonna get the flu. Anyway my knee joints are painful from all that dancing. Gotta sleep early and rest so that i'll feel better.

Pam called and told me that there's a rehearsal on Thursday. Man, this week, i'm jam-packed! Tuesday-going temple,Wed-got that movie to watch and Thurs-rehearsal. Shitty!!

Almost everything shitty now-thanks to the foul mood i have!!!



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