
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

More Maths-me going crazy!!! 

Its a Tuesday but it seemed like Monday-maybe because i went to work with a very lousy mood!! Hehehehe!!

Today Elsie told me that she had already given my transfer application to Eng Hong-my Senior Manager.Hopes it gets approved. I think there was some problems at my place when i was not around coz some of the faces were like shit! Gave you the kind of look that made you wanna punch them. Hehehehe!!

Hey, my fish is not dead yet!! Hahahaha!! I'm such a bad pet-keeper!! Never take care of my pet properly!! Hehehehe!!!

There's nothing much mentioning today. Just that i spent studying more deeply into the first chapter of Maths and i was really confused. When one of my guy friends, Ragu called me, i asked him for help. He told me that he'll ask around for someone to help me and give tuition to me. Then i also called up Clara and asked her to help me out with the Maths. I really need all the help that i can get. I forgot almost 3/4 of what i studied!! This is very bad! I wonder what i am going to learn on Friday at school.

What a big headache!!! Whatever!!!!


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