
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Maths Again!!!! Doin my self-study 

Just another day at work!

Well, today was just another day. Went to work 5 minutes late and there Elsie was when i was signing in.

Now Felica (another colleague of mine)is taking over Admin and she is re-vamping a lot of things and i have so many things to do. Now Elsie also wants me redo the ISO documents for the Admin procedures. Why? Why? Why? God, please approve my transfer application. I have decided that i cannot go to any other ministry or stat board if i wanna apply to be a teacher after i finish my A levels which i plan to take next year. I hope that i can pass my Maths this year.

Clara's fiance, Jude Xavier (cool name huh!!) came for lunch and i can see that they are like totally in love with each other. So lovey-dovey!!!

Then went to Eddington School after work to register for the classes for O level Maths. Mamamia, I really badly need to study hard if i wanna pass. Kethrine you better buck up!!!

Then bought a water bottle at 77th Street for $9.90-me spending money again. Terrible man i!!!

Anyway at my building, we have a club on the 5th floor. And everyday there are some vendors selling some stuff there-all kinds of stuff. Today was Honey and gift items. And i bought a cute-looking Rag Doll and 2 small bottles of honey. The woman said that if i apply honey on my face once a week, its good for the skin.With the amount of pimples and acne on my face, i think i should start doing something about my face-it sucks big time!!!

And continuing about the club and sales, they have a Staff Flea Mart every last wednesday of the month and this month, a few of my colleagues decide to put up a stall and sell some stuff and i came back today and looked through all my stuff and packed a few things to sell. I wanted to sell a few of my many soft toys but they looked too cute to be separated from me. Hope i make some money tomorrow. Me pretty excited about the sale.

Well,after everything was done, i sat down to study and boy i tell, i have a tough time coming ahead!!! I was reading on the first chapter-Arithmetic and i was already going blur like shit!!!! There are so many things for me to learn back on. I think i'll wait for the class to start this Friday and then see how it goes. Actually i already missed a few lessons-about 3/4. I think i might need to get the teacher to teach me the topics i missed so that i can check up with them. Hope my classmates and teacher is good and great to mix with.

Success comes before Work only in the dictionary!-i think this is how the saying goes...so i gotta keep this in mind and study hard!!! Good luck to me!!


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